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Winstanley Community Primary School

Everyone, Every Day


In our Religious Education curriculum, we follow the Wigan Agreed Syllabus which has an enquiry-based approach to learning. Within the teaching of RE, we aim to develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths and address fundamental questions in life.

RE is taught weekly. Teachers incorporate opportunities to assess prior learning and frequent pauses to recap on knowledge and vocabulary taught to date.  We aim to teach certain topics at specific times of the year depending on religious festivals around the world. Children are taught how religions can be similar or different in their beliefs and behaviours and are able to show tolerance towards this.

Within our RE curriculum, we aim to –

  • Inspire pupils to develop their curiosities about world faiths
  • Develop positive values and beliefs
  • Encourage pupils to be reflective thinkers
  • Challenge pupils to think critically


The skills covered through units of work will include:

Investigating – investigating world religions, e.g. Judaism, Islam, Christianity and knowing how to gather information from a variety of resources including artefacts.

Questioning – asking relevant questions, to challenge and promote higher order thinking.

Analysing – distinguishing between fact and opinion.

Reflection – reflecting on feelings, relationships and beliefs.

Empathy – showing consideration for other peoples’ thought, experiences and beliefs – developing the ability to show feelings of love, forgiveness and to see the world through other people’s viewpoints

Expression – expressing their own thoughts and feelings when explaining religious views and responding to questions.

RE in Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

The Early Years department at Winstanley Community Primary School are ‘early adopters’ of the revised ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage: Setting the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five’.

The principles of EYFS pedagogy and practice ensure that the enrichment of experiences underpinning RE, are embedded in the curriculum. We plan experiences to involve and engage the children in festivals and celebration. Children are introduced to special people, including themselves, special places including visits to local places of worship, special stories and special times, for examples Diwali, Advent, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Shrove Tuesday, Mothers’ Day and Easter. The children gain an understanding of cultural diversity and religious experiences within the local and wider community.


We have a strong link with our local church, Highfield St Matthew’s, which enables us to visit the church regularly at Easter and Christmas for a church service. The reverend also attends school to deliver assemblies to our children throughout the year.


At the end of each topic, children are assessed against a number of unit objectives. Teachers will use a pupil’s work and also think about how they engage and contribute during discussions in RE as a basis to inform their assessments.

 How can I help my child at home?

Children naturally ask a lot of questions and this is great for the teaching and learning of RE as we are encouraging them to ask questions and develop their understanding. At home, it would be helpful to discuss other religions and their traditions and encourage discussions.

For example:

How Christmas is celebrated all over the world.

Why do we celebrate Christmas and Easter?

Places of worship – what are they in different religions?

Talk about religious celebrations e.g. Diwali.

When you go on holiday, discuss which religions are prevalent in different countries?