Computing at Winstanley CP School
Technology is an integral part of our lives and our future; we know our world will continue to be shaped by technology. Our curriculum aims to deliver the skills and knowledge required to ensure our children become confident, successful users of ICT in any aspect of their lives.
At WCPS pupils are given opportunities to use technology constructively and creatively to solve problems, meet challenges and present their work. We strive to develop their Critical Thinking skills so that they may adapt to new technologies as they arise. We want pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of Information Technology. Technology is everywhere and we play a pivotal part in our pupils’ lives today and in the future. It is important to us that the children understand how to use the ever-changing technology to express themselves and as tools for learning. Therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils to use technology positively and safely.
Early Years Provision
Computing is not just about computers. We will ensure that children of Reception age receive a broad, play-based experience of computing.
Early years learning environments should feature IT scenarios based on experience in the real world, such as in role play. Children gain confidence, control and language skills through opportunities such as ‘programming’ each using directional language to find toys/objects, creating artwork using digital tools and controlling programmable toys.
Outdoor exploration is an important aspect and using digital recording devices such as video recorders, cameras and microphones can support children in developing communication skills. This is particularly beneficial for children who have English as an additional language. Another example of this is children use Seesaw to record their homework.
We align our EYFS provision so Computational Thinking vocabulary is used e.g. Tinkering Station, patterns, algorithms and decomposition.
A key part of implementing our computing curriculum was to ensure that safety of our pupils is paramount. We take online safety very seriously and we aim to give children the necessary skills to keep themselves safe online. Children have a right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring them, appropriate to their age and stage.
Children build online resilience through the use of the ‘Project Evolve – Education for a Connected World’ framework in our PSHE or computing lessons. The framework aims to support and broaden the provision of online safety education, so that it is empowering, builds resilience and effects positive culture change. The objectives promote the development of safe and appropriate long-term behaviours, and support educators in shaping the culture within their setting and beyond.
All children follow the SMART rules and know how to report any concerns to a trusted adult or through our robust reporting system called ‘tootoot.’
At Winstanley CPS, we have Digital Leaders. To become a digital leader, the children from Year 5 and 6 have to apply by writing a letter of application and are then interviewed.
The Digital Leaders are responsible for
- Finding and testing out new technologies and software that we could use in school, then demonstrating them to other children and teachers.
- Helping to train the children AND adults in school to use new technologies;
- Can help other children and adults in school if they have an ICT issue?
- Create and maintain a Digital Leader blog about the work you do and also review the new technologies you encounter.
KS1 Summative Assessment
Pedagogically, when we assess, we want to ensure that we are assessing a pupil’s understanding of computing concepts and skills, as opposed to their reading and writing skills. Therefore, we encourage observational assessment while pupils are still developing their literacy skills. We believe that this is the most reliable way to capture an accurate picture of learning.
Observing learning
To capture summative assessment data of KS1 pupils, we use the success criteria in each lesson and capture some of the following while the lesson is taking place:
- The work that pupils complete (marking)
- Notes on conversations or discussions that we have or hear during an activity
- Photographs of the work that pupils produce during an activity
- The pupils’ self-assessments at the end of the lesson
To help make these assessments we will keep evidence for a specific number of pupils.
End of the unit
A pupil working at age-related expectations should be able to meet the success criteria for each lesson by the end of the unit. However, it should also be noted that some pupils may take longer to grasp certain skills and concepts and therefore may achieve a success criterion from a lesson at a later date.
At the end of a unit, we may use observations that we have made across each of the lessons to determine an overall snapshot of a pupil’s understanding of the content from that unit.
KS2 Summative Assessment
Every unit includes an optional summative assessment framework in the form of either a multiple choice quiz (MCQ) or a rubric. All units are designed to cover both skills and concepts from across the computing national curriculum. Units that focus more on conceptual development include an MCQ. Units that focus more on skills development end with a project and include a rubric. However, within the ‘Programming’ units, the assessment framework (MCQ or rubric) has been selected on a best-fit basis.
Each of the MCQ questions has been carefully chosen to represent learning that should have been achieved within the unit. In writing the MCQs, we have followed the diagnostic assessment approach to ensure that the assessment of the unit is useful to determine both how well pupils have understood the content, and what pupils have misunderstood, if they have not achieved as expected. Each MCQ includes an answer sheet that highlights the misconceptions that pupils may have if they have chosen a wrong answer. This ensures that teachers know which areas to return to in later units.
The rubric is a tool to help teachers assess project-based work. Each rubric covers the application of skills that have been directly taught across the unit, and highlights to teachers whether the pupil is approaching (emerging), achieving (expected), or exceeding the expectations for their age group. It allows teachers to assess projects that pupils have created, focussing on the appropriate application of computing skills and concepts. Pedagogically, we want to ensure that we are assessing pupils’ understanding of computing concepts and skills, as opposed to their reading and writing skills. This has been carefully considered both in how MCQs have been written (considerations such as the language used, the cultural experiences referenced, etc) and in the skills expected to be demonstrated in the rubric.
Our scheme of work for Computing is adapted from the ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum and it covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. The scheme was chosen as it has been created by subject experts and based on the latest pedagogical research. It provides an innovative progressive framework.
The curriculum aims to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to thrive in the digital world of today and the future. The curriculum can be broken down into 3 strands: computer science, information technology and digital.
Digital Literacy– As part of digital literacy, children acquire the practical skills and learn the safe use of ICT, along with the knowledge of how to apply these skills when solving related problems such as understanding how to use the internet safely, networks and emails.
Computer Science– We teach the fundamental principles of understanding and applying concepts of computer science through logic, algorithms and data representation. Children learn to investigate problems in computational terms and have practical experiences of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems.
Information Technology– Children are taught to express themselves and develop their ideas through ICT, for example writing and presenting as well as exploring art and design using multimedia.
Computing is usually taught weekly to maximise the time available for enquiry. Teachers incorporate opportunities to assess prior learning and frequent pauses to recap on knowledge and vocabulary taught to date. The Teach computing curriculum is a spiral curriculum ensuring skills are reviewed and practised through all KS1 and 2. This ensures our children build on those skills previously acquired to maximise their learning potential and enable them to make links as they progress through the specific units.
Our children are given a wide range of resources and opportunities to apply their Computing knowledge and skills through cross curricular activities where they link their learning in other subjects. For example, we are going to be introducing Crumbles in DT.
We are a well-resourced school with laptops, IPads, recording devices, programmable toys and interactive touch screens available to support the delivery of high quality Computing lessons. The laptops have the software required to deliver the computing curriculum through the planned Programmes of Study. All computers are networked and linked to the Internet. The school has an ‘Acceptable use of the Internet’ Policy, which Parents/Guardians are asked to agree to, before their child uses the Internet.
Teachers continue to evaluate pupils’ knowledge and understanding within lessons and on a week by week basis. As a result of this, short term plans and activities are adjusted accordingly to meet the needs of all pupils. Having this approach not only enables our pupils to learn, know and remember more but also helps them to prepare for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the modern world.
In Key Stage 1, one of the ways we are teaching the pupils about the language and concepts associated with computer programming is by using Bee Bots, which are simple programmable robots.
In Key Stage 2, we are developing a widespread use of a computer program called Scratch as well as using Crumbles and Microbits. These programs and devices enables pupils to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in computer programming.
How can I help my child at home?
Key Stage 1:
We have a set of Bee-bots in Foundation Stage, so by the time the children get to year one they are familiar with these great little robots. There is an app which mirrors the physical robots and is a good introduction into how computers need algorithms (instructions) to function.
Scratch Jr
ScratchJr is a fantastic entry point for children to explore more open ended programming. It introduces characters, background, more movements, repeat loops and basic if/then routines and offers children the opportunity to experiment and play. There are lots of great ideas for projects on the ScratchJr website.
Key Stage Two:
The logical next step from ScratchJr, Scratch is a brilliant platform for children to broaden their skills, and to become part of a wider community, sharing their own ideas and borrowing from others. It is a block based platform which all children in Key Stage two will use at Lowerplace.
Available online, an IOS app or on Android, this is a great too for developing logical thinking and introducing processes into programming. Lightbot also shows that there can be more than one solution to a problem and that some are more efficient than others. There is a free version with a limited number of levels and then paid versions for more levels and challenges.
Physical Computing
In addition to all these great apps and online tools, you can also experience physical computing at home for a reasonably modest outlay.
Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is a fully functioning computer which fits in the palm of your hand. you can buy one with a Linux operating system for about £45. Once you have connected a monitor, keyboard and mouse you can do pretty much anything you can do on a £1000+ PC or laptop. There are masses of online resources and accessories which you can add to Raspberry Pis such as cameras, sensors and motors – the possibilities are endless.
Crumble Kit
The Crumble is another cheap microcomputer which can perform a variety of functions. The kit comes with the main motherboard, an LED light, a power supply, a servo motor and an ultrasonic sensor. It also has all the wires and connectors you need for basic projects. Once you get familiar with it, you can combine elements, so you could make the light illuminate when the ultrasonic sensor is triggered. This is also programmed through a simple Scratch type interface.