Design Technology
We follow the requirements of the National Curriculum in Design and Technology.
The D&T curriculum provides opportunities for children to learn, apply and strengthen skills required in the designing and making of an effective product for a given purpose. Alongside this we ensure that children have a solid understanding of the technical skills needed to aid them in designing and construction. Children also develop their technical vocabulary in order to discuss and describe techniques, equipment and features of a product. This vocabulary is built on as children move through the year groups.
Our D&T curriculum also allows children to draw on their knowledge and skills from maths, science, computing and art and are taught how key events and individuals have changed our lives (making links to historical chronology) and is vital to the world's future prosperity.
A clear and comprehensive scheme of work has been developed which ensures progression of skills and full coverage of National Curriculum. Each year group undertakes units which include structures, mechanisms and a food technology unit.
Units may be taught weekly or blocked, allowing a longer session for designing/making/building but the structure of the unit of work is consistent throughout school. Each unit begins with the introduction of the problem or task to be completed. Children then analyse existing products before creating design criteria for their own product. They then design their product based on their criteria and make it using skills and techniques taught. The final stage is testing and evaluation, where children will ask themselves; is the product fit for purpose? Does it fulfil the design criteria? Could it be improved?
There are many outcomes of the Early Years Foundation Stage which are the prerequisite skills for the Design and Technology curriculum, most relevant ones coming from the following areas of learning; Physical Development, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design. Here children develop their basic skills of handling tools and equipment, investigating how real life objects and products work, and being creative with materials.
Children create their products for a range of purposes, some relating to enterprise. These units give opportunities to link with businesses and industry, and parents or other pupils are involved in buying the finished products.
Whole school D&T weeks are an opportunity to work across the curriculum and culminate in displays which show progression of skills across school.
Many of our units of work involve members of the community coming into school to work alongside the children.
At the end of each topic, children are assessed against their understanding and knowledge of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum.
How can I help my child at home?
We have examples of Design and Technology around us every day and it is helpful to talk about what children can see in world around them. For example; how their toys work, what things are made of, why things are designed in a particular way or from a particular material. When cooking, ask children to help prepare ingredients and discuss how to follow a recipe. Practise cutting skills with scissors, and talk about how to join materials or how to make them stronger.