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Winstanley Community Primary School

Everyone, Every Day


At WCPS we believe that the learning of a language provides a valuable educational, social and cultural experience for our pupils. It helps them to develop communication skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing, with an aim of making substantial progress in one language. In addition, children’s knowledge of how language works will be developed to lay the foundations for further language learning in future. We believe that learning another language gives children a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand and respect their own cultures and those of others. 

We have chosen to study Spanish as this is the chosen modern foreign language of our local high schools. Also, many of our children holiday regularly in Spanish speaking resorts, allowing them the opportunity to practise their language skills. 

We recognise that Spanish is a specialist subject and not all teachers are language specialists. To achieve effective teaching and learning of primary foreign languages, we have adopted the Primary Languages Network resources to support our language curriculum. 

Spanish is taught weekly at KS2. The duration of lessons varies between 30 and 60 minutes depending on the content that is being taught. The curriculum that we offer ensures the children are given access to every attainment target within National Curriculum. Each year in KS2, children will develop their learnt skills and knowledge as the content taught allows learners to deepen their understanding of the Spanish language through traditional Spanish tales and applying their knowledge to real life scenarios. 


We offer a weekly Spanish club which is provided by a specialist external provider. This club allows children to consolidate learning in the classroom, gain new knowledge and deepen their understanding through specialist input. 


At the end of each topic, children are assessed against their understanding and knowledge of the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum. 

How can I help my child at home?

Within school, the children have access to the Oxford First Learner’s Spanish Dictionary. Both children and staff have found this resource extremely beneficial when correcting misunderstandings or wanting to learn new words and phrases to deepen their learning. Each year, we will be staging a Spanish Day where children will be asked to come into school wearing the colours of the Spanish flag and will spend a school day gaining a deeper appreciation for the Spanish language, culture and way of life.